TGG invades the IPMS Seattle Spring Show

TGG invades the IPMS Seattle Spring Show As Angel mentioned on our FB page, this is the 2nd spot in our “TGG Tour”. A few weeks ago, a group of us went up to NorCal to hit up Tatsu Hobby’s spring contest the Blue and Yellow Ball. This past weekend, along with new Washington State TGG Transplant Mike Wine; Angel and I […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog

GM Sniper 2 Update: throwing some paint and starting work on the base

GM Sniper 2 Update: throwing some paint and starting work on the base It’s been awhile since I last updated on this project. We got new Kampfer shirts in, so the last update was used to promote that. Somewhere in the middle of this post there will be some shameless plugging for our new Kampfer shirts as well as our reprinted Shiki shirts. But enough of that; on […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog

Kampfer Shirts!

Kampfer Shirts! We just got these in from the printer. They didn’t have any mediums, but they will be printed and will be added to our inventory when we get those on hand. In the meantime, you can pick up sizes small, large, X-large, and 2X-large. Check out the store here! And order some other shirts to […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog

GM Sniper 2: priming and resin casting

GM Sniper 2: priming and resin casting I was originally going to post this progress update on Monday; but since we had just gotten back from Tatsu Hobby’s contest; I wanted that post to stand on its own. So a few days later, I’ve continued to plug away at the kit as I got some new ideas flowing but still need to […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog

TGG goes to TatsuHobby’s Blue and Yellow Ball

TGG goes to TatsuHobby’s Blue and Yellow Ball This past weekend was Tatsu Hobby’s Blue and Yellow Ball. This is one of their 4 quarterly contest and the theme was anything in either blue or yellow – at least one of those two colors and their shades much cover 70% of the kit. The contest officially starts at 1PM with the last entries […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog

Back to work on the RGM-79SP-2

Back to work on the RGM-79SP-2 Finally getting back to work on this project. Taking a two week vacation really breaks the momentum I had going for this kit. I actually thought about bringing pieces of the thing with me to work on while I was in Tokyo and Hong Kong. Then, knowing my damn luck, I would have lost said […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog

Shopping in Tokyo and Hong Kong 2017

Shopping in Tokyo and Hong Kong 2017 No updates on the MG Sniper 2 because I’ve been in Asia for the past week and a half. I had a trip to Hong Kong planned since last November. But once the news about the last days for the 1:1 Gundam in Odaiba Japan came out, the last day was actually a few days […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog

MG GM Sniper 2 Progress: gun works, scope works, some feet and more priming

MG GM Sniper 2 Progress: gun works, scope works, some feet and more priming It’s Monday, time for the blog post that brings everyone up to speed on last week’s Sniper work. The main focus for this update will be the sniper rifle which I finally revisit after the very first post with a half-assed slapping of a new barrel and new stock onto the sucker. In the below […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog

MG GM Sniper 2 Progress: Front skirts, new antenna, and some chest mods

MG GM Sniper 2 Progress: Front skirts, new antenna, and some chest mods This is going to be a fairly sizable update. This includes the work from last week as well as over the weekend. I’m starting to focus and get more and more work done as the inspiration continues. The front skirts are REALLY plain looking. Yes, it’s a grunt suit, so it should be relatively simplistic […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog

MG GM Sniper 2: backpack work and start to chest, shoulders, and waist mods

MG GM Sniper 2: backpack work and start to chest, shoulders, and waist mods I went almost a week without doing much work other than molding and casting the metal thrusters. They look cool, but are a pain in the ass to paint and they add a bit too much weight in comparison to a resin copy. Plus, they can get expensive if I keep buying and using them. […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog