The GTR Challenge Last week at SprueFest, one of the things for sale was a Tamiya Mercedes GT3 AMG kit. It looks pretty good and the price wasn’t bad because of the sale so I picked one up. I also gently nudged fellow TGG Jeremy into getting one. I suggested that we should do a build off and […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog
Spruefest 2018
Spruefest 2018 This past Saturday was the 2nd annual Spruefest event held by the folks at Brookhurst hobbies with support from various well known model building entities in Southern California. They had expanded their scifi category to actually split out from scifi completely and have a separate Gundam category, and being sponsored by the local Bandai distributor […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog
Still Alive
Still Alive Progress on all my project have all but stopped because I finally picked up a PS4 over Thanksgiving weekend and have since been sucked into the world of Assassin’s Creed Origins. Hooray for Egyptian boobies! I was playing Star Wars Battlefront 2 for 3 days and since I don’t really care for COD style FPS […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog
SCGMC 2018 Announced
Attention gunpla modelers as well as all anime/scifi related model builders! The date is set for the 8th annual Southern California Gundam Model Competition. Date: Saturday November 10, 2018 New Location for 2018: The Hotel Fullerton | Crest Ballroom 1500 S. Raymond Avenue Fullerton, CA 92831 The theme for this year’s competition is Bearguys.
SD Macross Monster
SD Macross Monster I picked up this kit on a trip to Hong Kong in 2011 from a shop that no longer exists. This was a recast from a series of SD Macross kits made by Metal Box as a limited run kit for Wonfes 2011 winter. The casting isn’t too bad. I did find a bubble here […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog
Completed Build 5: Ein Was Right Diorama
Completed Build 5: Ein Was Right Diorama Base Kit: HG Barbatos, HG Graze Ein Mods: Diorama, LED head mod, motorized drill kick Awards: 3rd place, Diorama category at SCGMC 2016 Best IBO Kit at SCGMC 2016 3rd place, Small Diorama category at Spruefest 2017 Source: Freddy Was Wrong
Completed Build 4: Dark Matter Grimgerde
Completed Build 4: Dark Matter Grimgerde Base Kit: HG Grimgerde Mods: Weapon mods, extra armor detail, led mods, kitbash with dark matter booster Awards: 1st place, 1/144 Alternate Universe category at SCGMC 2016 2nd place, 1/144 Gundam 1/144 category at Spruefest 2017 Source: Freddy Was Wrong
SCGMC 2017!
SCGMC 2017! It’s November, and another SCGMC has come and gone. We had another great turnout this year. We added even more vendors this year and the room was filled with all kinds of gunpla goodies from vintage kits, to resin add ons, to the latest release, to non gunpla mecha and anime figure goodness! We had […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog
Hazel Masking and Resin Booster Shields
Hazel Masking and Resin Booster Shields Last I left off, I had most of the exterior armor pieces painted. The procrastination for the interior armor painting resulted with those bits getting worked on last. The leg armor pieces were painted but I noticed that there were some details that frame up the vents on the front and back, so those areas […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog
P-Bandai MG Hazel Progress
P-Bandai MG Hazel Progress This kit arrived a few weeks ago while i was finishing up my “RX-78 GP03” Mobile Student entry for SCGMC 2017. So there was a little bit of an overlap on the projects while I waited for things to cure on “Osaka”; I got to clipping and sanding the P-Bandai Hazel. The Hazel variation is […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog