RX-78 GP03 Ver. “Osaka” Completed!

RX-78 GP03 Ver. “Osaka” Completed! This was a very quick project. These small resin figures are pretty simple and perfect to squeeze in between projects. Last time I posted that the parts were sanded and soaked in an industrial strength cleaner. A day later, they get the scrubbing treatment with a dip in the ultrasonic cleaner and water. After the […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog

IPMS OC OrangeCon 2017 and starting a new resin figure project!

IPMS OC OrangeCon 2017 and starting a new resin figure project! This past weekend was the annual IPMS Orange County’s Region 8 Contest: OrangeCon. This is always a great contest to attend. More so now to spread the word that is Gunpla. While setting up, an older gentleman looked over at me and exclaimed, “Hey, you’re one of Those Gundam Guys!” This always makes me chuckle. […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog

Volks Saber Bride Commission Completed!

Volks Saber Bride Commission Completed! The project is finally coming to an end with this update. The last bit of detail work was to apply some black pastels on the edges of the dress to create some burn marks as per the original box art. The cape was first coated with a flat finish. Once that cured, the pastels will […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog

Saber Commission: Washes and Pearls

Saber Commission: Washes and Pearls Getting down to the home stretch for this project. This weekend saw work on the base. The base is from Michaels and is unfinished wood. An example of what the wood looks like in comparison to the finished base is the first picture. The unfinished wood is sanded down. Once sanded down, it is stained […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog

Quick Progress for the Saber Commission Project

Quick Progress for the Saber Commission Project A quick little update for this project. I’ve been spending time masking off the purple that was painted. After masking, the detail lines and straps are painted in black. I use mostly tamiya masking tape. Some areas are masked off with parafilm on larger areas. Over the masking tape and parafilm, a thin layer of […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog

Saber Bride Commission Project

Saber Bride Commission Project This has been a long while since I have had enough material to make a post. I’ve been slowly progressing with the kit over the past 6 to 7 weeks. I haven’t really had much time to get a good foothold on the project, but this weekend fixed that. I had finished a release at […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog

Anime Expo 2017 and a new commission project

Anime Expo 2017 and a new commission project Anime expo has come and gone and I’m finally getting around to uploading the pictures I took from the two days I went and writing a little bit about the event. This was a great year for gunpla. Katsumi Kawaguchi came out to AX and along with a panel of Bandai folks did the judging […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog

Bring Out the Gimp!

Bring Out the Gimp! This model was a mule for the hand-painting and weathering tutorials I did. It was done with limited tools and limited time. And in the end limited patience. Airbrushing really IS better than hand-painting. Source: Funakatown

“New” Weathering and Hand-Painting Tutorials

“New” Weathering and Hand-Painting Tutorials Okay, so these aren’t new, I made them to present at SCGMC a while back, but I never gave them official pages so they were buried in the site. Now they have pages and show up under Tips and Advice and Things. Or use the direct picture links below: Source: Funakatown

Zaku Exceed Model Progress

Zaku Exceed Model Progress I picked up a bunch of these little guys when I was in Japan a few months ago. They’re not quite 1/35 scale, but pretty close. The UC Hard Graph 1/35 Ramba Ral Commando kit’s Zaku head is bigger than this; so I would guess it’s about 1/40 or so. Hell, since this is a […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog