Grim Reaper Part 3 Seven months after my last post on the subject; it is time to get around to finishing the damn project. So let us catch up. Here is a mockup of Death right about the end of March as I continued working on masking and painting. I had pictures and progress in the can when I […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog
Completed Build 8: ASSteroid Base Assault
Completed Build 8: ASSteroid Base Assault Base Kit: Haropla X2 Mods: Scratch built canon, kitbashed parts, extra thrusters added to the haros, Awards: Bluefin award @ GBWC 2018 Anime Expo Source: Freddy Was Wrong
Completed Build 7: Rust & Relaxation
Completed Build 7: Rust & Relaxation Base Kit: HG Tallgeese Mods: Heavy battle damage, real rust and pigments, custom diorama base Awards: Bluefin Award at Anime Expo 2018 Source: Freddy Was Wrong
Weekend in Arizona, in August…
Weekend in Arizona, in August… A group of us went to Phoenix last week for the IPMS Nationals 2018. I got invited by some folks I’ve known in the IPMS AZ club to do a few seminars, one on advanced weathering and one on gundam model building. We rented out a house in the lovely town of Gilbert AZ that […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog
Bear Guy Project: Last Update
Bear Guy Project: Last Update The kit has been done for a few weeks now, this update just finishes the base I had started when I needed a break from cleaning up and fixing the resin binders. I touched on a few things on the last update with the basics of the base, but other than just slapping things together, […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog
Bear Guy Project June Update
Bear Guy Project June Update June update for this project. As of this posting, the main kit for the project is done. I’m just playing catchup with the progress for what happened between the last update and last week’s final assembly and photo session. I took all these pictures during the build so why not post up the progress. Last […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog
Bear Guy Project: May’s Progress
Bear Guy Project: May’s Progress Update time. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been steadily working on this project so the little updates I used to do are more meaningful and have more meat to things. I like that I can show more substance than just random in the middle progress that takes a few updates to get the full […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog
The Bearguy Project
The Bearguy Project Our theme for this year’s SCGMC is the Bearguy, so I’m finally getting off my ass and starting up my Bearguy project. I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew at this time. Sometimes when inspiration hits you, it’s like being hit by a motorcycle speeding from your blind spot. You’re […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog
Upgrading the air compressor
Upgrading the air compressor Coming into some extra spare cash, I decided to upgrade my air compressor. Was there something wrong with my old compressor? Nope. It is still running. I only had one repair issue done about 10 years ago when the auto shutoff fuse blew. After that issue, I picked up a 10 gallon tank and configured […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog
Grim Reaper Part 2
Grim Reaper Part 2 Last time we left off, I was cleaning up the last bits of the kit with the scythe and the clear pieces. I have no idea why some of these pieces are clear such as the tassels since they’re going to be painted solid colors. I can understand the hair being clear, some translucent painting […] Source: GameraBaenre’s Blog